So how does this Farm Hippie thing work, anyway? It’s a question we get asked A LOT and an answer we love to share! Let’s break down the essence of what and who Farm Hippie is:

Farm Hippie IS a farmer’s market

Like, a real-deal farmers’ market. What separates us, however, is that, unlike traditional farmer’s markets, we are inside a 1200-square-foot building. And we’re open all year. Oh, and we’re open throughout the week. How cool is that?! We just gave our farmers and producers a place to sell all year long where they can drop off their amazing products and gave their customers a marketplace to support them after the traditional farmers market season ends, which was one of our original visions. We love that we can provide another outlet for our vendors.

Farm Hippie IS NOT a traditional retail store

It’s so important to us that folks know that we are not a grocery store or supermarket. What does that mean, exactly? To us, it means that’s what sets us apart. We are a cooperative of local vendors who choose to do business together in one place. When you support one of us, you’re supporting all of us.

Farm Hippie IS a cooperative of like-minded vendors

That’s right! We are small businesses just doing business together. A lot of us are grassroots businesses starting from scratch in our own homes. A lot of us are now working out of commercial kitchens on a bigger scale, but we all started somewhere, and we all know how important your support is to us. In fact, it is a precious gift to us that’s appreciated more than you know. Our vendors inside Farm Hippie range from selling handmade jewelry to locally sourced beef and locally grown produce.

Farm Hippie is totally local

Do our vendors sell mangos? Probably not because an Oklahoma climate might not support ample growth or crop. Bananas, avocado, tomatoes in February? Same, same, and same. That doesn’t mean it isn’t a possibility in the future, it just means that you’ll notice that we’re not like your traditional grocery store. That’s because what our vendors offer is local and seasonal, and crops vary year-by-year and season-by-season. If it’s in season, we’ll more than likely have it. If it’s not in season? We’ve always said, “Cows always milk, bakers always back, and makers always make.” There is always something for you here at Farm Hippie that is mindfully and locally crafted.

Farm Hippie IS NOT a “shipped in”

Knowing that we offer local and seasonal products, then you’ll understand that our products are not “shipped in.” Instead, just like a traditional farmers market, we offer space for our vendors to market their amazing products to you. What you’ll find is that the talent and offerings are not only locally and lovingly made, but they’re also one-of-a-kind, and sometimes limited.

Want to be a part of this with us?

We want you to be a part of this, too! Supporting our local talent is one of our driving forces and missions in doing what we do here at Farm Hippie. If there’s a spot for you in our storefront, we’re going to make a way to partner with you. It’s easy to become a vendor with us and join a family of over 150 like-minded folks. Simply fill out an application found here: When a spot becomes available, one of our team members will reach out to schedule a meeting to sample and see your products. We look forward to hearing from you!