We know you work behind the scenes, and that’s why we find it important to give a little token of acknowledgment when it’s due. Month after month we give a shoutout to our deserving vendors with our Farm Hippie Vendor of the Month program. This month’s nominee has been a long-time vendor since 2019 and is the epitome of a family-run, Oklahoma business. With their integrity and quality of product and service, it’s no wonder they’ve been nominated!

Please help us further introduce Resolute Cattle Company:
“We are born and raised Oklahomans and enjoy producing a quality grass-fed beef product, raised, processed, and sold here in our great state. The Farm Hippie community has been wonderful and provides us with much more customer traffic and exposure than we could have on our own. We enjoy our ranch property here in North East Oklahoma and take pride in our herdsmanship, providing quality, responsible care of our livestock. Also, it’s always been a “family” operation which is an added blessing.
Resolute Cattle Company is a small cow/calf operation with registered Texas Longhorn cattle. Longhorns are a pleasure to work with and they are a beautiful, unique breed of cattle (no two Texas Longhorns are alike). The breed naturally produces leaner cuts of meat, lower in saturated fats. Packed full of flavor, studies have shown that Longhorn beef has less cholesterol and calories than white meat. Longhorn beef is a great source of protein, zinc, iron, selenium, and vitamin B12. Our family has raised Longhorn cattle for over thirty years. Eight years ago, we were able to begin our own ranch operation and have concentrated on choosing not only quality cattle but excellent processing facilities as well. We enjoy making our product available to the Farm Hippie Farmers Market community.”
Thank you, Resolute Cattle Company, for sharing your story and mission with us and for continually providing customers with nothing but the best. Congratulations!