We are the Chesser family, and this is our story of how we came to make these healthy, yummy snacks!

Our journey began on a cold December day back in 2013. My husband, Craig, and I found ourselves sitting in a small doctor’s office, being told the words no one ever wants to hear – “You have cancer.” Later that month, I underwent a very long surgery to remove my thyroid and affected lymph nodes – Merry Christmas to me (note the sarcasm)!
In the two years following my diagnosis and surgery, I endured a seemingly endless schedule of doctor appointments, radiation treatments, body scans, and isolation before finally getting to hear the sweet words – “ALL CLEAR.” But I wasn’t out of the woods yet…
Fast-forward to November of 2018, and it was time for the “big one” – the five-year milestone scan. I went through the rigorous preparation and isolation just as before, and we heard those beautiful words again – “ALL CLEAR!” And while it was a huge relief to conquer cancer finally, we were still burdened with thousands of dollars in medical bills associated with my years of treatment. So, filled with a weird combination of both frustration and hope, I devised a side (or Sixth Day) project to produce and sell the snacks I had been making for our family for years.
I contacted friends and family through social media to share my personal mission. And within a few short weeks, we had earned enough money to pay the medical bills IN FULL! But we didn’t expect the demand for our snacks to keep coming (and increasing) even after the bills were paid. So, at the beginning of 2019, we formed our little family business – Sixth Day Snacks! We now offer a full line of restaurant-style salsas in differing heats, uniquely flavored hummus, sweetly satisfying granola bites, and guilty pleasures like candied and pickled jalapeño!

Our mission here at Sixth Day Snacks is simple: We offer healthy, yummy snacks everyone can enjoy! So we invite you to give us a try, come taste, and see how good life is!